"Deposits," from Ethstory (2021)


I'm a cryptothematic data analyst, visualist, writer. When entering the space several years ago, I created early data interfaces for crypto projects, such as an early recommender system for NFTs in 2019. I often share visualizations on 𝕏, on themes about time and scale, interconnectedness, and technical developments. A passion is exploring the relationship between cold raw data and human cultural experiences, especially with a focus on the transformative potential for cryptographic and blockchain technology.

I developed experimental 100% on-chain and interactive NFT projects, such as the_coin, Gaussian Timepieces and The Mesh.

My projects also include expressive data visualization, representing the structure and dynamics of raw on-chain data: Ethstory, Indivisuals, and Reflective Recursion.

Several of these projects have had charitable fundraising goals, including for 501(c)(3) charities devoted to helping communities most in need. Projects have raised over 60 ETH for charity (see donation section in Ethstory and the_coin links below).

Writing and visualization have been featured in OpenSea blog, Coindesk, NFT Now, and Etherscan blog and more.

Gaussian Timepieces (2021)

Creative projects (∀ Ξ + 1 + 1 )

From a JPG profile: "His visual pieces challenge the divide between data and art and operate such that their aesthetic variations - their axes, colors, orientations, and scales - all map in some way to specific elements of data."

A list of CIDs for IPFS-based projects is at the bottom of this page. All are welcomed to pin CIDs too to help preserve assets.

project (tx 1 date, issuance ⛓ 100% on-chain) [ links ]

Ethstory (3/6/2021, n=110) [ 1 2 3 4 ]A study of Ethereum's history in 16 visuals rendered directly from raw data, mostly on chain representations of its history and elements of its potential future. Pieces were released on OpenSea's OPENSTORE token (ERC-1155). Owners have access to unlocked content that includes links to IPFS files, including a vector-quality PDF representation that is encrypted with a password that only owners receive. Each piece includes a unique, individual PDF rendering encrypted with a unique password.

the_coin (6/24/2021, n=84 ⛓) [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]100% on-chain SVGs rendered by ERC-721 contract coded by Takens. Pieces are drawn from data or theory of Bitcoin, offering a visual representation of its core definition, history and possible future. Token metadata and each piece rendered by tokenURI() function without need for external scripts or websites. Owners can interact with the contract via changeStyle() and alter the underlying CSS of their pieces, giving the original visual a "base layer" identity to be built upon.

Gaussian Timepieces (9/12/2021, n=100 ⛓) [ 1 2 3 4 ]100% on-chain study of time and blockchain. Unique ERC-721 contract renders a "timepiece" that encapsulates stochastic representations of time on chain, along with visual representations of an owner's on-chain NFT collection, base fee, current blocks, and more. When timepieces cycle, their colors change.

Indivisuals (11/8/2021, n~20) [ 1 2 ]ERC-721 contract for 1-of-1 JPEGs as small studies of various on-chain data. Pieces will be released across 2021 and 2022. Metadata stored on chain, and image field in metadata points to IPFS file of JPEG.

The Mesh (2/27/2022, n=72 ⛓) [ 1 2 3 ]100% on-chain NFT project that visualizes the social connectivity intrinsic to blockchain data. Each visualization is called a "node," and displays some properties of its owner, such as how many NFTs its owner has (background size and color), and when that owner has similar NFTs to others on The Mesh (shown with connections across tokens). But The Mesh is more than this. It's a fusion of a social network, a DAO and NFT to create a kind of integrated on-chain experience.

layer_two (5/16/2022, n=∞ ⛓) [ 1 2 3 ]For collectors of the_coin to mint, and all can collect. Experimental "second-order" NFT: layer_two calls the_coin token's on-chain data to create new visualizations, little tapestries more complex and curious. layer_two tokens are also 100% on-chain, an expression of expanding, diversifying crypto ecosystems, built on top of each other, fusing into new forms.

Reflective Recursion (6/19/2022, n=12) [ 1 2 ]Released on KnownOrigin, encapsulating major themes of cryptoart communities through thousands of data points. Visualizations rendered directly from raw data with minimal transformation. Almost all variation is in some way mapped onto a specific, tangible data point. Inspired by my 2021 Ethstory project: "Carved out of data: As much as possible, everything should be data driven. Only in rare cases did I depart from generating a visual directly from data, and use aesthetics untethered from it."

New Home (9/8/2022, n=3) [ 1 2 ]A new contract released on Manifold for the "New Home of the Heart" collection released on Sep. 12th, 2022. Coordinated and curated by Stateful Works, JPG, and Sofia Garcia, the collection commemorates and supports development on the Ethereum blockchain in conjunction with The Merge. Token #1 is my contribution to their collection, signifying the structural changes in The Merge through Ethereum's data about time and energy.

ourData(ERC-1155) (2/12/2023, n=5) [ 1 2 3 ]An experimental, interactive project. Your mints, your actions on chain are collaborations with me. Our data determine the final piece. We raised almost 2 ETH for the Ahbap contract, supplying humanitarian relief after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. A little study of the conceptual richness of just a bit of on-chain data. All visuals use precisely the same data, and are (mostly) deterministically rendered under different rules. This results in a consistent rhetoric (“flows of support”), but with different conceptual material: growth, cellular encapsulation, and circuitry.

Metrix (3/19/2023 , n=42 ⛓) [ 1 2 3 ]Bitcoin ordinals project, released on generative.xyz. A playful, interactive project about the intrinsic aesthetics of data, expressed through blockchain and its metrics. "Metrix" visually encodes a numeric history revealed on Bitcoin's public blockchain. The palettes capture various events of its history. Bitcoin's metrics yield diverse patterns like looking into a kaleidoscope. Metrics become colorful assays of a new financial system.

Identity_{i/j/k} (7/7/2023, n=3) [ 1 2 ]Contribution to the G/L Space on SuperRare, expressing interconnections in an expanding concept of identity. The visuals go along with a wonderful and elaborate summary led by hex6c and Chiara Braidotti in a project that visualizes and introduces web3 concepts.

De-Automated (8/29/2023, n=48) [ 1 2 3 4 ]"De-Automated is a new visual series about reclaiming human expression by Patternbase & Takens Theorem that delves into the realm of redefined automation and the fusion of human creativity and digital precision." (in collaboration with Patternbase)

Perpetual (11/19/2023/∞, n=∞ ⛓) [ 1 2 3 4 ] "Creator and collectors are now interwoven into a little machine. And unlike its patrons, that little machine lives forever." Perpetual is playful, organic and consistent with my prior creative themes; I may sometimes release updates without announcing them. I myself will participate and mint. Everything, including the allowlist for minting, is on-chain. On a monthly interval, holders of prior projects can mint new works. Forever, even after the contract infers I have left the space.

RAW MATERIALS (6/23/2024 , n~50) [ 1 2 3 ] The sense of time & composition is lost, only a kind of mental flow, represented by the colors of thoughts, scintillated into millions of mind pixels. (in collaboration with Ernesto Asch)

layer_two (2022), experimental second-order NFT

"Early Harvest," from Indivisuals (2021)

"Next," from New Home (2022)

Selected writings

In 2022, I became the first guest writer for the Etherscan blog.

Visit my Medium for more.

Creating, Destroying, and Restoring On-Chain Artwork (Etherscan blog, fall 2024). This post is about an amazing NFT project on Ethereum called "Rothko on Pennies" and the events surrounding it ‐ including my own participation. This project and its provocations illustrate that the artistic character of a project goes well beyond just the instant glimpse of its visual form.

Blobs Are Temporary and Permanent (Etherscan blog, spring 2024). "On the beauty of cryptographic evanescence; and other curious tidbits from the first few weeks of blobs."

Evolving Topics in Data Availability for the Ethereum Ecosystem (Etherscan blog, early 2024). "Data availability really refers to this rich array of technical, security and economic questions associated with ensuring the availability of information needed to preserve a ledger."

Ethereum's New Data Economy (Etherscan blog, summer 2023). "Forthcoming mainnet upgrades suggest a future of incentivized data preservation and a shared responsibility to encode the past ... A bird's-eye view over the planned upgrades reveals that data is an important part of Ethereum's future. Or, put differently, the absence of data is an important part of that future."

An Exploratory Visual for Tracking Flow of Funds on Blockchain (Etherscan blog, winter 2023). "This rich data availability invites exploratory analyses and visualizations. I enjoy this realm of blockchain analysis, a kind of frontier domain. The availability of so many variables allows us to explore these new possibilities easily."

Coordination and Crypto Charity (Etherscan blog, spring 2022). "Because charities sometimes have public addresses, the blockchain can be mined for patterns of coordination. I assembled a modest dataset of 100,000 inputs to about 20 public addresses on Ethereum mainnet ... This on-chain record of donation reveals the power of coordination, its speed and efficiency, and its varying forms."

NFT Drops Are Broken: Here's How We Fix Them (NFT Now, early 2022). In collaboration with the amazing Nifty_Table, we visualize and describe major issues with PFP drops, especially loss of fees due to failed transactions. We offer examples of more successful drops and suggest future improvements.

Souls of Immortal NFTs(Etherscan blog, early 2022). "These are the so-called 'on-chain NFTs.' These NFTs are stored internally, directly inside the blockchain in some way. So they are immortal souls, preserved forever (or, for as long as their home ledger survives)."

"I don't don't know the artist." A little gumshoe adventure in cryptoart (late 2021). "...my hunt for the identity of an artist who made a particular work called "Priestess," on KnownOrigin in 2018. Cryptoart leaves all kinds of traces, on traditional web platforms, but also in the cavernous depths of the chain. How do you leverage these sources of information to find an artist?" Accompanying site: KnownOrigin V1 Gallery.

Automatic, Spontaneous Things (Medium, summer 2021). A tribute to the cryptoart of @hex6c. "This brief blog post is a tribute to this artist. I draw on a beautiful paradox of his work. It contains these elements of automated precision, yet reflects spontaneous human creativity — automatic, spontaneous, alluring things. Seven pieces are illustrated below."

Visualizing Ethereum's History (Medium, spring 2021). "Ethereum is amazing. You don't even have to like Ethereum to have this opinion. Just take in some cold, dispassionate facts." See also Ethereum History in 5 Minutes.

Chain analysis studies (2020): Mysterious patterns appeared in the on-chain activity of $XLM, $LTC and $BCH. Analyzing on-chain data revealed that curious external software packages using these chains radically skewed their on-chain metrics. See here, and here.

What Are You Missing? Using Basic Machine Learning to Predict and Recommend NFTs with OpenSea Data (OpenSea blog, winter 2020). "Most projects can be predicted well above the 50% chance level. In fact, with this approach, we can predict SuperRare ownership at over 80% effectiveness."

What's in a name? Predicting ENS Domain Value from Multiple Features (OpenSea blog, fall 2019). "In an interesting way, ENS is very quickly approximating economic dynamics in other domain services (though you can do a lot more with ENS!). This is revealed in various patterns of economic strategy (squatting, homoglyphs, etc.), along with the "at-scale" product-market predictability."

"Miner 1," base & mod from the_coin (2021)

The Mesh (2022)

Fall 2024: I scratched then fully restored a brilliant on-chain NFT by Yigit Duman: "Rothko on Pennies." See here for Yigit's closing notes about this project, notes about my restoral, and my thread here about first scratching the work and this thread about restoring it. This fun on-chain adventure also summarized in Simon de la Rouviere's blog.

Spring 2024: De-Automated featured at #NFTNYC2024! Artwork exhibited in person at the Artists Village (North Javits, Hudson Yards, April 3-5, 2024).

Early 2024: Prominent artist, surveyer, data wrangler Chainleft offered a historical progression of dynamic NFTs in which my projects feature prominently as early programmable, dynamic assets. You can see it below, annotated near my projects in the left timeline.

Chainleft's history of dynamic NFTs

Early 2024: Metrix project included as part of inaugural collection for The Function Gallery release, an artist-led initiative for art inscribed on Bitcoin. You can also visit my artist's channel on their Discord.

Late 2023: Perpetual featured in MASSAGE MAGAZINE based in Tokyo: "Perpetualのコンセプトは非常に興味深く、日本語ではイサーリアムnaviで詳細が紹介されています。"

Fall 2023: Visualization and The Mesh featured in Simon de la Rouviere's article about the unlikely death of NFTs.

Late Summer 2023: Release party at imnotArt gallery in Chicago with Patternbase (scroll down here to see images from the show).

Early 2023: Featured in JPG's Value Flows physical exhibition at NFT Paris 2023. The Mesh project seen here in their installation, adapted from token updates with on-chain data.

Summer 2022: Discovery of Ethermine OFAC-related filtering featured in CryptoSlate coverage and Eric Wall blog post

Summer-Fall 2022: Gallery curated by JPG showcasing some past work. In conjunction with the "New Home" initiative.

Mid 2022: Work Sunrise from Reflective Recursion featured in MoCDA's Digital Trends Ep. 76: YouTube, Twitter

Spring 2022: Project The Mesh featured in Simon de la Rouviere's blog post: Building Expansive NFT Universes: CC0, Fidelity, & On-Chain Bundling

Early 2022: Data visualization featured in Craig Warmke's article: Bitcoin Behind the Veil

Fall 2021: Data visualization featured in CoinDesk article: Ethereum's Design Choices Are Inherently Political

Spring 2021: "Birth" (from Ethstory) featured in NFT article by Nic Carter: Why NFTs Are Hard to Explain

Early 2020: Network ownership visualization featured in Devin Finzer's OpenSea NFT Bible

Late 2019: Zima Red interview about many retired crypto data analysis tools: The Anonymous Coder Creating Data Visualization Tools For The NFT Ecosystem and Much More.

Metrix #7 (2023): interact: n, 1-6, i, r

Takens CIDs

Though several projects are 100% on-chain, stored in their contract, I also use the IPFS model for many projects, often expressive data visualizations with large assets. The CIDs below point to main assets, and also to versions of project HTMLs and more. I welcome any pinning.